Davis H. Moore
2011 –             Art teacher; Commissioned painter and artist
2010               Harvard, Bachelor of Arts
                   Major: Visual and Environmental Studies
                   Honors Thesis in Painting: Spirits in the Material World
                   Docent to school groups, Harvard Art Museum
Additional Education
2017               Wesleyan University, Typography
2013               Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Monothon
Professional Experience
2014–2024          Phillips Exeter Summer, Art Instructor, Exeter, NH, 2014–2024          Taught middle and upper school art. Coached rowing.                 
                   Courses taught:Oil Painting; Drawing; Art:Transform the                                   World; Visual & Environmental Studies; Why Art?
                                    Art: Transform the World
                                    Visual & Environmental Studies
                                    Why Art? 
2021               Phillips Exeter Summer, Director of Summer Rowing
2016–2024          Phillips Exeter Summer, Rowing Coach
 2015–2021         Phillips Exeter Summer, Cluster Coordinator, Creative Design and Purpose for a                                 Changing World
2018–2020, 2023          Arctop, Inc., Graphic Designer, San Francisco, CA and Tel Aviv, Israel
2016–2018                    Wesleyan University, Zilkha Gallery & Davison Art Center, Preparator,                                                       Middletown, CT
2016–2018                    Xavier High School, Boys JV Rowing Coach, Middletown, CT
2015–2016                    Riverzedge Arts, Director of Mobile Studio, Woonsocket, RI
                                    Managed team of teaching artists. Coordinated after-school art programs at                                           numerous schools in northern Rhode Island.
                                    Taught Body Bodhi at the Nowell Leadership Academy, a high school for                                             pregnant and parenting youth in Central Falls, RI, 2016
2015–2016                    Neighborworks Blackstone River Valley, Woonscocket, RI
                                    Community Builder in Residence at the Mary A. Longtin C3 Center
                                    Morning and After-school Care Provider, The Art Center, Woonsocket, RI
2015                             The Met High School, Classroom Math Tutor, Providence, RI
2015                             The Wheeler School, Middle School Girl’s Lacrosse Coach, Providence, RI
2013–2016                    Exeter Public Library, Trustee, Exeter NH, 2013–2016
                                    Elected to the position. Conducted community mask workshops and oversaw two                             art installations  in the library for the community.
2006–2013                    Keewaydin Canoe Camp, Youth Canoe Guide, Temagami Ontario, Canada
                                    Led youth wilderness canoe trips, lasting from 5 days to 39 days.            Earned several                                      certifications, including: Basic Life Support––CPR Provider C, 2013 [Wilderness                               Medical Associates Canada], Wilderness First Responder, 2013 [Wilderness                                       Medical Associates Canada], Wilderness Water Safety, 2012, Whitewater Rescue                              Technician I, II, III 2012 [Boreal River Rescue].
2010–2011                    Chapel Hill––Chauncy Hall School, Instructor in Visual Art, Waltham, MA
                                    Installed art shelter, a canvas tent as outdoor community painting space.
Events, Performances, Workshops
June 2023         Imagine Body. Drawing workshop for Harvard Medical School Arts and Humanities Initiative, Boston, MA
Apr. 2021         Books Like the Piers. Bookmaking, spine awareness & thinking cosmo-poetically.                                 Support from Lewisburg Arts Council, Lewisburg, PA
Mar. 2021         Equinox 2: Mythtelling, Offering a Living Calendar. With Composer Paul J. Botelho,                                    Lewisburg, PA

 Dec. 2021         Solstice Offering. With Composer Paul J. Botelho, Lewisburg, PA

 Sept. 2020        Equinox 1: Drawing Toxicity. With Composer Paul J. Botelho, Lewisburg, PA

 Nov. 2019         Portrait painting demonstration during The Lewisburg Stroll Through the Arts. Wilson                             and Ross (boutique), Lewisburg, PA

 Oct. 2019          Halloween Mask Making Workshop. River Valley Nature School, Lewisburg, PA

 Sept. 2018        A Trash Mandala. With Professor Ryan Burg’s business ethics class, Bucknell                                               University. Lycoming County Resource Management Services, Montgomery, PA

 Dec. 2017         Portrait of Rebecca Moore. Portrait painting demonstration and conversation with three                                 11th-grade English Classes. Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
Jan. 2016          Twine. Artist’s talk at Riverzedge Arts, Woonsocket, RI
Dec. 2015         Portrait of Ellen Wolff. Portrait painting demonstration and conversation with two 11th-                                   grade English classes. Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
Oct. 2015          Halloween Mask Making Workshop. Neighborhood C3 Center, Woonsocket, RI

 Dec. 2014         St. Nicholas Day Lobster. Community papier-mâché float project for the Exeter Holiday                          Parade. Exeter, NH.
Oct. 2014          Mask Making Workshop with Phillips Exeter Academy’s Democracy of Sound Club.                              Exeter, NH
Oct. 2014          3rd Annual Halloween Mask Making Workshop. Exeter Public Library, Exeter, NH
Mar. 2014         2nd Annual I’m Dreaming of a cleaner Easter; an Easter Trash Hunt. Exeter, NH
Dec. 2013         Christmas Crocodile. Community papier-mâché float project for the Exeter Holiday                                    Parade. Exeter, NH        
Dec. 2013         Portrait of My Father the Iroquois Warrior. Portrait painting demonstration and                                           conversation with two 11th-grade English classes. Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
Oct. 2013          Bahn Pahty. Masquerade and celebration of barn reconstruction. Exeter, NH
Oct. 2013          2nd Annual Halloween Mask Making Workshop. Exeter Public Library, Exeter NH
Oct. 2013          Meditation. Chapel talk on dreams, art and a future. Exeter, NH
Oct. 2013          Glory Hair. Social practice, pop-up hair salon in collaboration with Dan Allende                                                (danallende.com). Pittsburgh, PA
Aug. 2013         No Fine Art. Community crayon drawing series, in collaboration with Town of Exeter                                  Arts and Music. Exeter, NH
Mar. 2013         I’m Dreaming of a Cleaner Easter: an Easter Trash Hunt, Exeter, NH
Dec. 2012         ArtfoMichaelVick.tumblr.com. Exeter, NH [Now viewable when searched as named on                                  web.archive.org]
Dec. 2012         Portrait Jackie Thomas, PEA Librarian. Portrait painting demonstration and conversation                 with two 11th-grade English classes. Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH
Oct. 2012          Halloween Mask Making Workshop. Exeter Public Library, Exeter, NH
Dec. 2011         Pageantry. Ceremony introducing the band, Motopony, with Daniel Blue.
                        Minneapolis, MN
Oct. 2009          Halloween Painting. Performance painting outside the Owl Club. Cambridge, MA
May 2009         Harvard Arts First. Free portraits and haircuts on the steps of Memorial Church.                                                Cambridge, MA
Apr. 2009         Cell Phone Painting #1. A painting made from text instructions from unseeing remote                                     contributors. Collaboration with Jon Vingiano. Lowell Hall East Quad, Harvard                                                 University, Cambridge, MA
Apr. 2009         Portrait of Anyone. Performance painting in two, 4-hour sessions Carpenter Center,                         Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
June 2024         Group show ArtExhibit by ArtVan. Brunswick, ME
Feb. 2024         Ice Age. Solo show at 33 By Hand boutique. Portland, Maine
2022                 Vibrant Ecologies group show at the 103 Gallery, Bucknell University. Lewisburg, PA
2021–2023        Portrait of Anyone in the Dean of Students Office at Phillips Exeter Academy. Exeter,                                  NH
Dec. 2019         Arctop San Francisco Office Opening, showed 5 drawings (multimedia, 24 x 20 inches)                                 and new mural (Spray paint, 4.5 x 44 feet). San Francisco, CA
Jan. 2018          Three Canine. Solo Show. Klekolo World Coffee, Middletown, CT
Apr. 2016         You’ve Taught Me More Than I’ve Taught You, Maria Longtin C3 Center,                                                 Woonsocket, RI
 Jan. 2013          A Meditation on Choice. Installation of site specific sculpture and select paintings. Exeter                       Public Library, Exeter, NH 
Nov. 2012         Solo Show: Retrospective. Children’s Room of Exeter Public Library, Exeter, NH
2012–2018        Portrait of Anyone at Office of Multicultural Affairs, Phillips Exeter Academy                                              Multicultural Center, Exeter, NH 
Sept. 2011        Portrait of Anyone at Water Street Bookstore. Exeter, NH
May 2010         Index: VES Senior Thesis Show. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
June 2009         Cell Phone Painting #1. Exhibited with John Vingiano. Axiom Gallery, Boston, MA
May 2009         Cell Phone Painting #1. Exhibited with John Vingiano. Huret and Spector Gallery,                                    Boston, MA
Feb. 2009         Student Art Exhibition in Mass Hall. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 
Aug. 2023         Hoop of it All. Spray paint on white denim jacket. Exeter, NH
 June 2023         Vitamin D. Oil on canvas, Maine white pine frame, 20 x 16 inches. Cape Elizabeth, ME
 June 2023         Abba Beach II. Oil on canvas and Maine white pine, 24 x 48 inches. Cape Elizabeth, ME
 May 2023         Heron tote/mask. Spray paint on all-white canvas tote. Cape Elizabeth, ME
 Apr. 2023         Dream Pants for Jamesie. Spray paint on green, child’s trousers. Cape Elizabeth, ME
 Apr. 2023         Dream Pants for Charlie. Spray paint on green, child’s trousers. Cape Elizabeth, ME
 Nov. 2022         Whale I C. Oil painting, 12 x 14 inches, and spray-painted canvas child’s coat.                                         Cape Elizabeth, Maine
 Nov. 2022         Logo proposal for Neuro-Wellness Alliance. Cape Elizabeth, Maine
 Oct. 2022          Saints de Lit. Triptych and carrying case, oil on canvas and Maine white pine,                                                 12 x 38 inches. Owl’s Head, Maine
 Sep. 2022         Feather. Rib tattoo design. Cape Elizabeth, Maine
 Aug. 2022         Cosmic. Oil on canvas, 14 x 20 inches. Bristol, MA
 June 2022         At Two Lights. Oil on canvas, framed in pine. Cape Elizabeth, Maine
 June 2022         Cave Painting. Mural in latex paint on interior staircase wall. Boston, MA
 Mar. 2022         AHTINAH. Oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches. Westport, MA
 Dec. 2021         Turning Horse. Mural in milk paint, sumi ink, acrylic and latex paint on exterior stucco                                wall, 8 x10 feet. Sculptures hair salon, Lewisburg, PA 
 Jan. 2021          Jaws of it All. Watercolor, color pencil, and chalk on paper, 14 x 22 inches. Bald Eagle                                State Forest, PA
 Nov. 2020         Opening. Mural in latex paint and spray paint on exterior concrete block wall and                               wooden door. 8.5 x 18 feet. Lewisburg, PA 
 Oct. 2020          Shelves. Sculptural shelves, white pine, 5 x 8 feet. Exeter, NH and Lewisburg, PA 
 Mar. 2020         Handed Pasta. Mural in spray paint on interior concrete block wall, 12 x 6 feet.                                          Amami  restaurant, Lewisburg, PA
 Feb. 2020         Typographic Crossbones. Wrist tattoo design. Lewisburg, PA
 Nov. 2019         Undersea. Exterior latex paint and spray paint on stucco wall, 4 x 36 feet. Arctop office,                               San Francisco, CA
 Nov. 2019         Bridge. Watercolor, 12 x 12 inches. Lewisburg, PA
 Aug. 2019         Sun Sket Ball. Paint marker, pen, and pencil on paper, 10 x 10 inches. Westport, MA
 June 2019         4. Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches. Little Compton, RI
 Apr. 2019         Courtyard Wedding. Watercolor 10 x 7 inches. Lewisburg, PA
 June 2018         Whoosh! Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches. Little Compton, RI
 June 2018         Illustration for Arctop, Inc. Business Cards. Oil on board, 19 X 24 inches.                                                 Little Compton, RI
 May 2018         Ulysses. Oil on plywood, 33 x 33 inches. Middletown, CT
 Apr. 2018         Daffodils. Oil on plywood, 12 x 10 inches. Middletown, CT
 Apr. 2018         To Moondrift Constancy. Acrylic on plywood, 12 x 10 inches. Middletown, CT
 Apr. 2018         The Sun Eats Also. Spray paint on white denim jacket. Middletown, CT
 Mar. 2018         Swimming Hole. Oil on canvas, 10 x 12 inches. Middletown, CT
 Nov. 2017         WELTRAUM. Mask and mask box of papier-mâché, cardboard, wood, acrylic and latex                                   paint, 30 x 30 x 20 inches. Middletown, CT 
 Nov. 2017         Tandem. Watercolor on paper, 18 x 36 inches. Middletown, CT
June 2017         Heart Waves. Watercolor on paper, 36 x 72 inches. Brooklyn, NY
May 2017         The Bouquet. Watercolor and pen on paper, 11 x 17 inches. Middletown, CT
Feb. 2017         Gloriana and the Kitties. Oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches. Middletown, CT
Dec. 2016         Baby the Red Nosed Beluga. Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inches. Cumberland, Maine
Dec. 2016         The Cat is Your Oyster. Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inches. Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Dec. 2016         Nuclear Family. Oil on canvas, 18 x 20 inches. Middletown, CT
Nov. 2016         Matrix. Oil on canvas, 22 x 30 inches. Middletown, CT
Nov. 2016         The Giant’s Teeth. Oil on canvas, 20 x 22 inches. Middletown, CT
Apr. 2016         Dream Coat for Tim. Spray paint on white cotton jacket. Providence, RI
Apr. 2016         Putney Embankment. Watercolor and watercolor pencil on paper, 12 x 60 inches.                                      Woonsocket, RI
Mar. 2016         Saheylu Technology. Imagining wearable technology with Dan Furman. Watercolor, five                                    11 x 17 inches. Woonsocket, RI to Haifa, Israel
June 2015         Portrait of MK Borerwe. Acrylic on wood, 25 x 14 inches. New York, NY
June 2015         The Honorable Farley D. Toothman. Acrylic on canvas, 22 x 16 inches. Waynesburg, PA
Dec. 2014         3 Sisters. Oil on canvas, 32 x 36 inches. Gardiner, Maine 
Nov. 2014         Lyle, Lyle: Portrait of a dog. Oil pastel on paper, 25 x 19 inches. Exeter, NH
Oct. 2014          Dream Pants for Darling. Spray paint on white work pant. Exeter, NH
May 2014         Dream Pants and Shawl for Jamie and Carly Rogers. Spray paint on white work pant,                                photosensitive dye on wool. Exeter, NH
Feb. 2014         Tripdeck. Acrylic on three skateboard decks. Exeter, NH
Nov. 2013         Circus Frankenstein. Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 30 inches. Framed and displayed March                                    2014. Fisher Theater and artist’s studio, Exeter, NH
Nov. 2013         Parts. Oil on canvas, 32 x 26 inches. Exeter, NH 
May 2013         Lovers. Oil on canvas, 72 x 48 inches. Providence, RI
May 2013         May Wedding. Acrylic on canvas, 36 x 36 inches. Exeter, NH
Mar. 2013         The Honorable Sharon DeVries. Oil on white birch ply-wood treated with rabbit skin glue, 47 x 36 inches. Portsmouth, NH 
Nov. 2012        The Monk’s Vision. Watercolor on paper, 11 x 8.5 inches. Exeter, NH
Sept. 2012       Dream Pants for Dan Allende. Spray paint on white denim   jeans. San Francisco, CA
May 2012         Dream Pants for Robbie. Spray paint on white work pant. Exeter, NH
Feb. 2011        Sisters. Oil on canvas, 60 x 65 inches. Boulder, CO 


Davis H. Moore, Portraits in Daniel Singer piece on Startuphub.ai (29 Jan. 2019)
Davis H. Moore, Xun, I Ching (Middletown, CT, April 2018).
Davis H. Moore, “Illustration,” in A Classroom Revolution: Reflections on Harkness Learning and       Teaching, edited by Jane Cadwell, Tom Hassan, and Julie Quinn (Exeter, NH: Phillips Exeter  Academy, 2015) pp. 81.